Network functions virtualization (NFV) and software-defined networking (SDN) platforms are a key focus for telecom and network equipment suppliers, covered in a recent survey that also shows a significant shift toward open platforms and open software architectures. Many existing networking systems are built on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) platforms, including rackmount servers, blade servers, ATCA, appliance platforms and micro servers. The survey shows the majority of companies are likely to use Open Compute platforms for future systems. Approximately one fifth of companies are already using white box switches, and that number is expected to grow to more than half within one to two years.
This is one of the many key findings in the latest Heavy Reading report, COTS, ATCA & White Box User Survey: 2016 Market Outlook based on an exclusive worldwide survey that drew responses from 75 professionals that represent 50 different telecom and networking equipment suppliers. The report charts the use of COTS hardware, NEBS/ETSI compatible platforms and white box switches. It includes information on the use of different COTS platforms and which new platform architectures are expected to be used for future systems. Respondents were asked which system integrators they used and how they rate each system integrator on the overall quality of their solutions. The report also includes information on the use of different ATCA platforms, ATCA enhancements and extensions, add-in cards and embedded software.