With governments mandating minimum broadband speeds and users investing in Ultra HD TVs and the latest gadgets, we are seeing rapidly-growing demand for higher-speed fixed broadband. Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), which are increasingly using cloud-based services, are also using fixed broadband lines for their main Internet connection or as a backup connection. Mobile data offloading to local WiFi networks sends further bandwidth through fixed broadband links.
Gfast’s rollout has been delayed while silicon vendors work on second-generation chipsets (that benefit from lessons learned in initial trials) and implement new features defined in Amendment 3, which was agreed in April 2017. These new features include 212 MHz bandwidth operation, support for coax and dynamic time assignment (DTA). In the meantime, there have also been developments for VDSL, including VDSL 35b, which supports bandwidths up to 300/400 Mbit/s, and trials of long reach the ADSL.
We expect the rollout of Gfast systems and services based on the latest chipsets to start in 2018 and ramp during 2019. Gfast Rollout Starts With Amendment 3 Chipsets details and analyzes chipsets from the leading vendors in this important market as network operators plan the rollout of Gfast and the latest the VDSL2 services. The report profiles the vendors and reviews specific chipset families, identifies the key features and highlights the advantages they hold for system developers and service providers.