Operators are already looking at the optical networks required to deliver cloud and 5G services over the next five to ten years, and ON2020 provides a forum for the industry to share these visions and develop technology roadmaps and evolution scenarios to ensure the right solutions are available. At OFC, the ON2020 group, now officially launched as an IEEE Industry Connections (IC) program, is running a workshop where speakers from leading operators Microsoft Azure, British Telecom, Deutsche Telekom, Facebook and China Telecom will share their visions and discuss roadmaps for optical networking. This should prove to be a compelling session covering a wide range of views and identifying the key technologies and solutions that are needed for next-generation optical networks supporting cloud and 5G services.
The Industry Visions for a Converged Optical Networking Roadmap session at OFC 2018 will take place on the show floor in Theater II, Hall E on Wednesday, March 14, 1:15-3:15 PM. With speakers Mark Filer from Microsoft Azure, Andrew Lord from British Telecom, Arnold Mattheus from Deutsche Telekom, Katharine Schmidtke from Facebook and Chengliang Zhang from China Telecom, we can expect a global view and enlightened discussion. The session will provide long-term industry visions beyond current product deployments and roadmaps and will be moderated by Peter Winzer from Nokia Bell Labs and Xiang Liu from Huawei.