Why is it that while residential broadband access speeds have now reached multi-gigabit, we are still having video-conferencing issues, VOIP hiccups, gaming “lag” spikes and spending so much time staring at a “loading” spinning icon on our smartphones and other devices? COVID-19 has shown us the importance of universal broadband access, but raw broadband speeds are just not enough: We need new ways to optimize, monitor and manage the latency of networks and applications to deliver an optimum end-user experience.
In this webinar, we will discuss a variety of latency topics to help better understand where latency comes from and what the negative quality-of-service-experience (QoSE) impacts are that arise from it. Having a gigabit broadband service doesn’t provide a better tele-education experience, a better Webex session or make you a better gamer than your neighbour on a 100Mb/s service. It’s about delivering the lowest and most consistent latency.
Key topics include :
- Defining latency and how it is key to emerging technologies (5G, edge computing, cloud gaming, etc.)
- Should we focus on just low-latency or consistent latency?
- It takes an eco-system approach to address the latency pain points – what can we and must we all do (CSP, telecom vendors, chipset vendors, webscale players, CDN providers, etc)?
- Real-world examples and industry initiatives to address the latency challenges